Waldy Fernandez


A little about me...

Passionate about real estate and always up for a good laugh, I thrive on solving challenges and connecting with people. I'm a proud dad to Kylie and Kaylie, and I love sharing my journey and experiences with others. Whether it's embracing new characters like Wabbi or supporting local businesses, I'm all about making a positive impact while having fun along the way.

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Unusual Fact

I like to fly a propeller plane at night. 

Perfect Day

My perfect day is a day I’m with both my daughters and we’ve been out. Eating , walking in a park and ending the day with some Rita’s. 

Born In

I was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts 

First Job

My first job was a Dorney park

Best Advice You've Ever Received

Focus on progress, not perfection. Small steps forward are still steps in the right direction

Favorite Food

My favorite food is the Dominican Spanish food 

Proudest Moment

My proudest accomplishment was when I flew solo on a propeller plane and landed a safely 

Favorite Lehigh Valley Location

My favorite Lehigh valley location is the promenade because my daughters and I love to take walks there! 

The Superpower I'd Want Is

To become invisible at any moment

The Best Part Of This Team is

That we have each others backs

Client Success


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The Restaurants

Summer and Fall in the Valley

The Breweries